Leave a legacy

With no government funding, the Merchant Navy Fund relies on the generosity of others to help make a real difference to the lives of UK Merchant Navy seafarers and their families.

Legacies are crucial to every aspect of our work. In particular, they help us to plan and maintain services in a consistent way. A bequest may not be available to us for some considerable time, but it will provide a vital source of income for the years ahead, helping us to withstand current and future recessionary times.

Leaving a legacy for our seafarers

The Merchant Navy Fund relies on your generous donations and legacies to continue supporting UK Merchant Navy seafarers in need and their families, with legacies being crucial to every aspect of our work.

It doesn’t matter how much you donate – each donation will help to make a difference to the lives of those who are at sea or ashore who need our help.

For more information, please download our Merchant Navy Fund legacies flyer

How can I leave a legacy to the Merchant Navy Fund?

It is not expensive to make a Will, nor is it too complicated or time consuming, but it is important that it is executed properly. A ‘home made’ Will may be sufficient in a simple case, but it is best to go to a solicitor and get reliable professional advice to suit your own circumstances.

When you are drawing up your Will, we would of course recommend that you make adequate provision for your family, before considering making a charitable gift. Your solicitor will also be able to advise you about this.

Your legacy should be left to Merchant Navy Fund (administered by The Seafarers' Charity) of 8 Hatherley Street, London SW1P 2QT.

The Merchant Navy Fund is a registered charity in England & Wales, No. 226446, incorporated under Royal Charter. Registered in Scotland SC038191.

Do I have enough money to leave a gift in my Will for the Merchant Navy Fund?

It is a common myth that you have to be wealthy to leave a gift in your Will, but nothing could be further from the truth. Every gift, no matter how big or small, goes towards supporting UK Merchant Navy seafarers and their families in need and every gift is important to us and the work that we do.

Should I let the Merchant Navy Fund know I’ve left a gift in my Will?

We understand that writing a Will is a very personal matter. If you feel comfortable speaking about your intentions, we would love to be able to thank you, but if you don’t want to tell us, please know you have our eternal gratitude.

Get in touch

To learn more about how to leave a gift in your Will to Merchant Navy Fund, contact:

Mail mnfund@theseafarerscharity.org

Telephone 020 7932 0000
