Thank you for choosing to support The Seafarers’ Charity. Your kindness will help us continue to support seafarers in need and their families.

We rely on donations, fundraising and gifts in Wills to be able to provide long-term aid. There are many ways you can donate to The Seafarers’ Charity. On this page, you will find useful information about different donation methods.

Donate online

Please make an online donation or set up a monthly gift to The Seafarers’ Charity to make a life-changing difference to seafarers in need and their families.

Support our #SeaVets Appeal

Commemorate D-DAY 80th anniversary by supporting seafaring veterans past, present and future. Thanks to a generous donor, all donations up to £10,000 will be match-funded.

Other ways to support us

Leave a legacy

A gift in your Will as small as 1% can help ensure seafarers and their families will never lack the support they need in times of hardship.

Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving is an easy way to donate to charity through your salary. Donations are deducted from your salary before tax, making it a tax-efficient way to give.

Become a KGFS Club member

Becoming a KGFS Club member gives you the chance to ensure the provision of essential services for seafarers in need and their families and to keep in touch with The Seafarers' Charity through regular reports and special events.


We have a wide range of challenge events that you can participate in or you can organise your own fundraising event at home or at work.

Gifts in memory

Leaving a gift in memory of a friend or a loved one is a wonderful way to remember them. Your gift will help ensure seafarers and their families live dignified lives free from hardship.

Shop to donate

Did you know that you can support The Seafarers' Charity whilst shopping online? Shop with your favourite stores and they’ll donate a percentage of your purchase to us - and it won’t cost you a penny.

Donate by post

If you wish to send your donation by post, you can send a cheque to the below address. Don’t forget to download and print the donation form or direct debit donation form should you choose to support us on a regular basis.

The Seafarers' Charity
8 Hatherley Street
London SW1P 2QT

Gift Aid

With Gift Aid, the Government lets us claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you. To allows us to claim Gift Aid on your donations, please remember to indicate your gift aid status on the relevant donation form. Alternatively, please complete Gift Aid Declaration form online to confirm your UK taxpayer status.

How your donations will help

With your support, we can continue to provide essential funding that each year, makes a difference to the lives of thousands of seafarers in need and their families. Thanks to you, in 2023, we were able to provide funding totalling £2.4m to 50 organisations.

See the impact of your support

Get in touch

If you have any queries or require any further info, please get in touch with our Team:


Telephone 020 7932 0000
