Our governing document is our Royal Charter, first issued in 1920 and last amended in 2010.

It describes our charitable objects as:

  • The relief of seafarers, their families or dependants, who are in need
  • The education and training of people of any age to prepare for work or service at sea
  • The promotion of the efficiency and effectiveness of the maritime charitable sector
  • The promotion of safety at sea


His Majesty King Charles III

The General Council

The Trustees of The Seafarers' Charity are members of the General Council which is the organisation’s ultimate governing body. The General Council sets policy and is responsible for the conduct of The Seafarers' Charity’s affairs, and for ensuring that the charity operates in accordance with the Royal Charter, the Statutes and the law.

Members of the General Council


  • Mr D W T Bain FCA
  • Mr N Blazeby
  • Ms D Cavaldoro
  • Captain L Clarke, MN
  • Mr P French
  • Mr M Gray
  • Mr R Greenwood
  • Mr G Kidd
  • Monica Kohli
  • Mr W Lawes
  • Mrs F Bassett (Surgeon Rear Admiral Fleur T. Marshall KHP)
  • Ms N Shaw MBE

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Our history

We started as King George's Fund for Sailors in 1917. Learn more about our history funding essential support for the maritime community.

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Our strategy

We know that the world is changing, so we need to make sure our funding is supporting seafarers where the need is greatest.

Our strategy