April 28, 2022
The Seafarers' Charity's Spring Appeal
No one should have to choose between eating and staying warm, but it’s happening here at home.
More than 100 years ago we were created with an aim to help seafarers and their families in need of support. The type of support has evolved over the last 100 years in response to the need. This year, the need is acute.
An energy crisis unlike anything we have seen in decades is squeezing more out of those who have the least. As the months roll by, the price of turning on our lights, cooking our food, and heating our homes, has jumped dramatically. This is a worry for most of us, but for those who are struggling already it’s a nightmare scenario.
Many seafarers put their lives on hold when they leave their families to go off to work. But their worries follow them. While they struggle through harsh living and working conditions, often without the basic rights we enjoy, the pressure of this lifestyle can become extremely stressful, and can quickly lead to anxiety and depression.
We are working alongside our delivery partners to ensure informational, emotional, and practical support, is made available to seafarers and their families who need it, when they need it most. But we need your help.
One of our delivery partners, Befrienders Worldwide, is providing that emotional support to seafarers. Supported by The Seafarers Charity, the Seafarers International Emotional Support Service (SEISS) offers a way for seafarers to speak to volunteers in support centres around the world, through their easy-to-use Help App. The volunteers are trained to help with the wide range of issues
Just to be heard by somebody is like a relief valve.

'Bullying. Intimidation. Your partner is thinking of leaving you because you haven’t been home for nine months and the kids don’t know you anymore. These things and more play on seafarers minds all the time.' Says David Watkins, Director at Befrienders Worldwide.
Some people who use the service come from an office, not just out at sea, David explains. But at the end of the day, it’s a person on the other end of the line, whether you’re on land or at sea. If a seafarer is in emotional distress they aim to be there.
Seafarers seeking emotional support can access SIESS by visiting https://help.befrienders.org
With the headlines we’ve seen in recent months it seems like spring was always going to be a difficult time. It’s a small comfort that with the warmer months ahead we can expect to use less energy to heat our homes, which might ease the pressure for some. But with prices rising elsewhere, the seafarers who are struggling to work and look after their families need help navigating through this crisis.
That’s why we are urgently appealing for your support.
The Seafarers’ Charity has been there for more than 100 years. We ensure the right services are there for seafarers and their families. With your help we can get the funds to where they are urgently needed and ensure that those who reach out in desperation always have someone to turn to.
Rest assured, The Seafarers’ Charity are doing what we can to urgently address the needs of seafarers and their families affected by the crisis in Ukraine. We are calling on our corporate partners and industry players to donate now