April 26, 2022
Appeal launched by IAPH and The Seafarers’ Charity to assist Ukrainian port workers and their families
Ukrainian seaports are in the frontline of the war. Help port workers and their families, now and through the crisis.
The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) is working with The Seafarers’ Charity to support port workers and their families impacted by the humanitarian disaster caused by the war in Ukraine.
Ukrainian seaports are in the frontline of the war, as the siege of Mariupol and heavy fighting around Berdyansk and Kherson has demonstrated. The environment is chaotic, dangerous, and fast moving, with other ports in the Black Sea, such as Odesa, under threat. Ongoing conflict, violence and uncertainty are causing people to flee their homes and become separated from their families. In some areas, water, electricity and phone connectivity have been affected with many people now unable to contact their loved ones.
For now, the greatest need is basic human welfare – shelter, food, water, transport, access to medical services, along with practical financial help. The need will change shape and undoubtedly grow as conflict continues and lives, communities, port cities and futures need to be rebuilt. We will work alongside all present and potential future partners to understand what is needed, where the gaps are, and how we can best respond.
This devastation will be felt for months and thus we aim to be as responsive as possible to the needs of port workers and their families impacted by the crisis in Ukraine.
This emergency appeal is being coordinated by the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) and The Seafarers’ Charity. Funds raised will be distributed to appropriate delivery partners operating in Ukraine to support port workers and their families, including the Maritime Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU) and its welfare fund Mortrans. The fund has passed formal vetting and due diligence procedures by The Seafarers’ Charity and is an appointed receiver of humanitarian relief. Other duly vetted organisations representing port workers’ interests may be added in future.
Donations will be administered and overseen at no cost by The Seafarers’ Charity (King George’s Fund for Sailors), a grant funder which has embedded and well-established governance mechanisms and processes for monitoring and evaluation to ensure efficiency and transparency. All donors will receive a copy of the impact report produced at the end of the year to show where the funds have been spent.
The International Relief for Ukrainian Port Workers initiative was inspired by the Seafarers International Relief Fund (SIRF), which is also administered by The Seafarers’ Charity. It is however different in that it focuses exclusively on Ukrainian port workers and their families.
How to Donate
Donate by Bank Transfer (preferred)
Account Name: The Seafarers' Charity (King George's Fund for Sailors)
Reference: IAPH Ukraine
All prospective donations should be notified by email in advance to Michael Allen at The Seafarers’ Charity michael.allen@theseafarerscharity.org
City of London Office
Sort Code: 60 00 01
Account No: 00 77 31 23
IBAN: GB41NWBK60000100773123
Donate Online (for donations under £1,000)
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